Rutgers Presbyterian Church is proudly affiliated with the following organizations:
The Presbytery of New York City encompasses the geographic boundaries of the City of New York. In 97 congregations, nearly 17,000 members are welcomed in worship, mission, and service to the city and beyond.

The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is the spiritual home for more than two million people. Worshiping in 10,000 Presbyterian congregations throughout the United States, they engage the communities in which they live and serve with God’s love.

PARITY (formerly Presbyterian Welcome) works for change for LGBTQIA people in the Presbyterian Church (USA) through education, advocacy, and relationship building.

The Covenant Network of Presbyterians is a broad-based, national group of clergy and lay leaders working for a church that is simultaneously faithful, just and whole.

Rutgers is a Peace Church with the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship, a wide network of peacemakers who engage with issues in the US and internationally in order to participate in God’s nonviolent work of love, peace, and justice in the world.

The More Light Church Network is an organization of inclusive Presbyterian churches that welcome individuals into full membership, including ordained offices, without regard to sexual orientation.